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来源:www.sdynbz.com 发布时间:2021-05-29 浏览次数:122
1、 What are the differences between "block printing" and "special printing"?
As a matter of fact, from the perspective of color box printing factory, block printing is a kind of shared printing method, which can put together the printed documents of multiple customers in one page; On the other hand, special page printing is just the opposite. It stresses independence and specificity. A page has only one customer's printed document.
Special printing
2、 What are the advantages and disadvantages of "block printing" and "special printing"?
The advantage of color box printing factory is that the price is affordable, which is more suitable for customers who do not have high printing requirements. However, its disadvantage is that there are not many processes to choose, there are certain restrictions on colors, and the number of common typesetting printing is not much.
The advantage of color box printing is good color quality and large quantity, but its disadvantage is high cost. For some customers with insufficient budget, they need to consider when choosing special printing.
Special printing
As a matter of fact, whether it is special plate printing or block printing, it is common in the business of color box printing factories. Block printing not only realizes the printing requirements of customers, but also saves costs for customers. It is suitable for small customers, but also for customers with layout requirements and quality requirements, We suggest that you choose the special printing with guaranteed printing quality.
Color box printing factory
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